News & Insights


Jeni Clift
March 15, 2024

The power of delegation and elevation stands as a cornerstone for effective leadership and organisational growth. It's not merely about shifting tasks, it's fundamentally about empowering your team and embracing the leadership role destined for you Every moment spent on tasks that could be efficiently handled by others is a moment not dedicated to strategising, innovating, or guiding your business forward. The true cost lies not just in time but in the opportunities and growth potential left on the table. However, the benefits of adept delegation are profound. It's an investment in your team, aligning tasks with talents and fostering a sense of genuine engagement and contribution towards the business's success. As you elevate your focus to where it truly matters, you unlock the potential for remarkable achievements. To embark on this transformative journey, scrutinise your to-do list. Distinguish between tasks that require your unique expertise and those that can be entrusted to your team. Match these tasks with the strengths and ambitions of your team members, equip them with the necessary tools and knowledge, set clear goals, and watch them excel. Delegation and elevation transcend mere managerial tactics, they embody a philosophy of leadership committed to nurturing a resilient, agile business environment. Let's adopt this mindset, delegate with purpose, and elevate our businesses to unprecedented heights.

Step into your true leadership potential. Discover more on how to effectively delegate and elevate within your business:

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Jeni Clift
March 29, 2024

Making tough decisions is perhaps one of the most challenging aspects of running a business. It's a situation that demands not just courage but a deep sense of responsibility towards the greater good of the company and all its stakeholders. The decision to let someone go who might have been part of the journey from the start, is never taken lightly. It's about recognising the impact their continued presence may have on the team's morale, and ultimately, the business's bottom line. It's a stark reminder that in business, our decisions must be guided by objectivity and the long-term vision we hold for our company. Approaching such a delicate situation requires a blend of honesty, empathy, and professionalism. It's crucial to communicate the decision with clarity and compassion, acknowledging their contributions while also explaining the necessity of the move for the business's future. Offering support during their transition, whether through severance, guidance, or other resources, reflects the company's values and respect for the individual beyond their role. And in the aftermath, it's an opportunity for reflection and learning. It's a chance to reassess our hiring practices, our management approaches, and how we integrate family into the business, ensuring that every decision aligns with our core values and business goals. Let's navigate these tough decisions with integrity, always aiming for what's best for our business and the people who make it what it is.

Discover more insights and strategies for making tough decisions in your business with grace and integrity. Dive into our full guide now:

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Jeni Clift
April 5, 2024

Starting meetings on a high note isn't just about setting a positive tone, it's about shifting our mindset from the daily grind to the bigger picture of our business. It's a simple yet powerful practice to share something good, both personally and professionally, before diving into the agenda. This isn't just about good vibes, it's a strategic move to transition from working in the business to working on it, together as a team. But here's the catch: sometimes, it's hard to come up with that piece of good news. Maybe we're too caught up in what's next, or perhaps we feel like there hasn't been anything noteworthy. This is where we need to pivot our approach. Instead of waiting for good news to happen, why not plan for it? As we map out our week, let's set specific, achievable goals that, once accomplished, can be our highlights in the next meeting. This proactive planning isn't just about having something to say, it's about creating moments of achievement and recognition within our teams. It's about making good things happen, both in our personal lives and in our business, and then taking the time to celebrate these wins together. So, let's commit to this: every week, let's each identify something we aim to achieve, something that, when we next come together, we can share as our victory. It's a practice that not only enriches our meetings but also strengthens our team's bond and drives us towards collective success. Let's make celebrating our wins a regular part of our business rhythm.

Dive deeper into transforming your team meetings and fostering a culture of achievement and celebration:

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Jeni Clift
April 12, 2024

Building such teams isn't merely a matter of assembling a group of skilled individuals, it requires cultivating an environment of trust, empowerment, and open communication. At the heart of this endeavor is the art of listening. True listening goes beyond hearing words, it involves understanding the hopes, fears, and aspirations of our colleagues. When people feel heard, they feel valued, and this forms the bedrock of trust within a team. Delegation follows as a testament to this trust. It's not just about distributing tasks; it's about entrusting your team with meaningful responsibilities and showing faith in their abilities to rise to the occasion. This act of empowerment fosters leadership within the team, encouraging members to take ownership and drive initiatives forward with confidence. It's about being frank, yet supportive, ensuring that every team member knows where they stand and how they can improve. By weaving together these principles of listening, empowering, and honest communication, we create more than just effective teams. We forge environments where people feel genuinely connected to their work and to each other, driving not only the success of the business but also fostering a sense of belonging and achievement among all. In such a culture, challenges become opportunities for collaboration, innovation thrives, and the organisation moves forward as a cohesive and resilient entity, ready to face the future together.

Ready to transform your team and lead them to unparalleled success? Dive deeper into building a culture of trust, empowerment, and transparent communication with us:

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Jeni Clift
April 19, 2024

Trust is the bedrock upon which success is built. Imagine attempting to charge ahead while constantly glancing back, unsure if your teammates are truly in your corner. It's a scenario that spells failure. Forging a team steeped in trust hinges on two critical principles. Firstly, it's about elevating the team's objectives above personal ambitions. When every member is aligned, pushing towards a shared vision, that's when we witness the synergy of collective effort. This unity allows us to be authentic, openly share ideas, and genuinely invest in our shared mission. However, when an individual prioritises personal gain over team success, it disrupts this harmony. Such individuals need to gracefully exit, making way for more aligned team dynamics. Secondly, dependability is non-negotiable. It's about consistently delivering on your commitments. The strength of a team is measured by its most inconsistent member. Failures to meet deadlines or fulfill promises aren't just minor setbacks; they erode the very essence of trust. For a team aiming high, there's simply no space for unreliability. Let's pledge to be the kind of teammates who champion collective achievements and honor every commitment. This is the path to not just a good team, but an exceptional one. A team where trust isn't just hoped for—it's a given. Together, we can achieve greatness beyond measure.

Embrace the power of trust and commitment. Start your journey to exceptional teamwork today:

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Jeni Clift
April 26, 2024

Stepping into the world of family businesses, we find ourselves at a crossroads of personal connection and professional growth. It's crucial for us to reach out and connect with peers in similar situations. This network isn't just a support system, it's a wellspring of innovative ideas and shared experiences that can prevent us from feeling isolated and help us to thrive. As we look to the future, we understand the importance of continual learning and adaptation. This is how we ensure our business doesn’t just remain relevant but is a leader in innovation. It’s also about preparing responsibly for the next generation, making sure the transition is not just smooth but that the business remains robust in new hands. Incorporating our family values into the business isn't just a nod to our heritage, it’s a strategy that strengthens our foundation and extends its impact beyond our immediate circle. We're not just running a business, we're nurturing a legacy that supports our community and sets a standard in our industry. This is our journey together—strengthening our bonds, expanding our horizons, and ensuring our family business stands the test of time.

Join us in nurturing our family business into a beacon of innovation and unity. Let's connect, grow, and prepare the ground for generations to come:

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